Tuesday 27 October 2020

Sticky Question (Week 3 - Term 4)

We hope everyone has had a lovely long weekend. Our sticky question for this week asks you to think about the world we live in now and what you think could be done to make it even better. Remember to explain why this law is important to you.

Don't forget to check back to see what others decide is the new law they would make. What are your thoughts about these?


  1. If I could make I new law I think that I would provide rests to adults and children that work a lot so they will not feel sick and won't be able to work that much at school or for other reasons.From Paige R

  2. Kia Ora Mrs Taylor and Mrs Dods I think that the new law should be to stop people from just leaving all their rubbish on the ground and let it blow into the sea and kill sea life. I think this because sea life is finding it hard to find food around because there is to much rubbish in the water that all the sea life has goon onto the shore. I think this because the sea life are getting stuck into the rubbish and can not get out. From Stella

  3. Hi Class

    My law would be to provited breckfirst and luch to schools so that perants do not have to feed us but we would have to pay 5 dollers each mounth to the school so that they do not run out of money and have no money to buy food. Also each child will have to pay not just one each. There will be an option of things to eat but parents can pack there luch if they do not want to get food from the school.

    From Angel-Mey

  4. Hi Class
    I think that the New Law should be no Bullying to others and make kindness all through out the world and make sure people are treated how you want to be treated. Why becuase it makes people sad when they do not get kindness but others get kindness so lets treat people with kindness.

  5. Hi Mrs Taylor and Mrs Dods. I think one new law should be if your chopping trees down only do a little bit to survive and make a home and not die and don't cut trees for no reason. You should not do this because people climb the trees and look on top of them and they can make tree houses and we can breathe in oxygen. 1 person needs 8-9 trees to breathe in oxygen to make them stay alive that's why there are trees.

  6. Hi if I could make a law that would be to stop abusing black people, because black people are like us they have no right to be killed just because they have a different skin. And doesn't mean that they are mean inside i mean some people, are different with a giant red birthmark on the top of there head and they are white. and I don't think that they should be slaves because why would they want to be treated meanly, when they have done nothing wrong to you from Bridie.

  7. Hi Iḿ Dominic I would make a law that everyone has to learn to drift so they can learn how to control a car better in case the wheel slips on the cement and you go sideways and crash and you will have to be fourteen if you have a farm you can learn how to drift. if you don´t have a farm you have to be old enough to drive a car so there is my new law I would make if I was allowed to.

  8. Hi Mrs Taylor and Mrs Dods
    I think the military should save people as in going finding people in floods and getting homeless people homes and warmth. It will help the Earth. I think we should change the military because Christchurch doesn't need Army. Hope you like my suggestion.
    From Connor

  9. Hello. My law is nobody can wear uniforms at school and home because uniform is the worst thing ever. Also you do not get to choose what color it is or any thing. It is to make it exciting so you are not always not liking your uniform. From India.

    1. India's uncles job is to work for Parlimentry Council and drafts new laws and legislations. He has to go to Select Committee meetings with the prime minister and MPs to talk about the new laws being written. indias Uncle Richard wrote a lot of the laws for Covid 19 lockdowns and would sometime still be working at 4am to get the laws written and then be a select committee meeting at 8am to discuss it

  10. MY new law would be to make sure that schools can provide food for the children so that if familys are poor they don't need to spend money for there kid's lunch. The money that the kid's donate would be the money that they used to buy it.

  11. Hi Miss Dods and Miss Taylor,How are you doing? My law would be to make the government to give the homeless people have food and drinks to stay alive and give them a lot of blankets to help them stay warm . What do you think? Do you agree with me?


  12. Kia ora Mrs Tayla and Mrs Dods.
    My law wood be no more fighting.So that the cunchrys will be calm and no more dying will happen because war is bad for the cunchrys.So then people won't be happy and people can move away from cunchrys.So that is my anwer.bye

  13. Hi Miss Dods and Miss Taylor.
    My law is people should be nice to other people. I think people should be nice to other people because if someone was to the other preson that would be bad so people should be nice to other people. bye from Bella M

  14. Hello class

    So my law would be everyone gets a whole 4 day weekend 1 week than a 5 day school week the next week than it just goes the same. So you would get ` 4 day weekend you would only have to study on tuesday thursday and sunday. So thats what I think a law could be. Kind regards Brayden.

  15. Kia Ora teachers!
    I really like this becuase I think I have something in mind already!
    My law would be to every year you have to have to donate money to the poor so the poor can get some money only over 2$ otherwise you will get punished.The poor will not be living on the streets anymore but only if you have over 200$ you have to pay.
    _from Paige B

  16. Hey Class agian so another law I would change is everybody would have to publish one book between 15 and 0 years old. So you would have to publish a book because people need to read to get smart and a good education. And be able to know more words. So that would be another law kind regards Brayden

  17. Kia Ora Mrs Tayla and Mrs Dods.
    My law has to be be horse's so you can learn how to ride and so you can get to place's faster people have to learn how to ride.

  18. My law is so the military will not be war it will be a unstoppable force of good. Thay will not defend one county that will defend all countries. If a man or woman gets hurt that will be treated immediately. If there is a family or people how will have a family that will get a a free guard to keep the people safe.

  19. Kia Ora it me again and I have another law for you!
    My law is they would be a day were no one is allowed to have junk food for 2 months becuase it is bad for you and if this is a law there would not be as many fat people.

  20. Kia ora, Miss Taylor and Miss Dods. My law would be to make sure no one is poor so they can have a happy life and they have good food and have a good amount of water so they can live and people that don't have anything would still be able to live. So my law is technically to help others!

  21. I wood' make a good law where you have to let everyone have a day off on a Monday, it would be good because we are always tired for school.

  22. Hi class, Zara here
    My new Law would be.... You are not allowed to bully anyone because then no one would be sad or tell on someone. And then I will all be kindness.
    Bye from Zara

  23. Hi there,
    Ms Dods and Mrs Taylor!

    I really like this sticky question! It is an excellent question! So, I would make a law that everyone on the school holidays, they at least have to do homework for at least 2 hours so they can be a lot smarter and ace the tests they have to do at school! They will know their education and they will have some experience on what might you do and what might happen!

    This is an excellent way for students to accomplish their studies and many more to have an excellent life of education! If there is any other things I would do, I would do it to help people! See you guys teachers! Bye!

    - Nishka

  24. Hi class!
    there are 177,000,000 laws in New Zealand and I WILL make it 177,000,001 and the law I would have would to make everybody equal including black lives, Because killing people for there skin is evil.

  25. Hi if there was a law it wood be that you only get 150 dollars to spend a day. because people that have a lot of money spent it and then there people that don't have much don't get to have what they wont.

  26. Hi TM. My law would be that only fun is allowed in nz so people never get angry. so less people get hurt from Dylan.

  27. Kia ora Class
    I am Bella from yaldhurst Model School.
    I really like this sticky question.
    1. I would go to the shops and by food and normal water because if I see people that are poor I would go to the shops to buy them something to be nice.when people gho past poor people they don't even want to give 50 cents i would always give over 20 cents.
    2. If i walked down the street i would go and tell my mum if people were swereing to staying mean word to strangers.
    - Bella at Yaldhurst Model School.

  28. Hi everyone this sticky qwesten is a good one i wood made it so kids can earn their own money Real money That means that kids can buy their own stuff but when they are born then you buy there stuff
    from Rayan

  29. Kia ora Miss Dods and miss Taylor I make the people feel better by helping him if feels sad. from Hendrik.
