Monday 26 July 2021

Sticky Question (T3 - Week 1)

 Welcome back to Term 3! It is going to be a great term. 

This weeks sticky question comes courtesy of 'The Philosophy Man'. We would like you to use your naughty-o-meter to rank these things from the least naughty to the most naughty and justify/explain your order.

As always we will be discussing this in class this week and we'll leave our thoughts in the comments but we would love to hear what you think too.



  1. Hi Class
    I think that Stealing someones lunch is the worst because they will have no lunch and get hangry. I think that the second most worse is callling someone a bad name because it can really hurt their feelings. The third worst to me would be hitting someone because it will hurt them but it will not stay there forever. The most ok one to me is seeing someone hit someone and do nothing about it because it might just be a really soft hit.

  2. Hi Class,
    I think the least baddest is calling a person a bad name. Then hitting someone because it will just be over and done with. Then stealing someone's lunch because you won't have anything to eat at all but you can go to the office and get some. Then hitting someone and not seeing them because then it will keep going for ever and ever and the teacher would not be able to sort it out. From Ruby

  3. Kia Ora Class,
    Calling another pupil a bad name is the worst cause it hurts their feelings. Then it goes Seeing someone hitting someone, and doing nothing is 2nd worse cause you are not using your actions to help people. And then it is hitting someone because hitting some is hurting them and hurts he people around them. Then it is stealing someones lunch cause they just go hungry that's all.
    From Lilly S🐱🐱🐱

  4. HI CLASS!!
    I think that the least naughty thing out of all of those choices are... calling another person a bad name because if you compare if with stealing someone else's lunch it isn't really that bad. I think that the next least naughty is hitting someone because compare it with hitting someone and doing nothing about it isn't really ok but other things are worse in life than that. I think that the next least naughty is stealing someone's lunch because it is naughty but they can also go and ask the teacher if they could go to the staff room and have something from in there. Also I think that the most naughty is seeing someone hitting someone and doing nothing about it.I think that because it could turn out to be a really bad fight.

  5. KIA ORA Miss Lange
    I think stealing someone´s lunch is the naughtiest because if you steal someone´s lunch they might be hungry later.Then i think hitting someone is the second naughtiest because then they might want to hit back and start a fight.I think seeing someone hitting someone and doing nothing because they could be hurt. Then calling someone else a bad name because it could hurt their feelings.

  6. Hi class, i think the least naughty is Hitting someone because its just a hurt of scratch or hit or somthing like that. Next naughty! calling someone a bad name because they have a name so call them it, not to call them a different name + a bad name or word in it. The next naughty is seeing someone hitting someone and doing nothing because the person could have do somthing and tell the teacher then do nothing. The next naughty is stealing someone's lunch because they will have no food to learn and think and nothing to eat and they will tell their mum it would be a lie because the lunch box will be empty.

    From Mikayla!!!

  7. Kia Ora Teachers
    I think that calling another pupil a bad name is the ok thing because it would hurt their feelings but not forever stealing someone's lunch is the second ok thing because they will go hungry but they could ask the Teacher for more food. Hitting someone is the third thing, seeing someone hitting someone and doing nothing is the worst thing because you could get a Teacher or they might get really hurt.
    By Lachlan

  8. Hi Class, I think that stealing somebody's lunch is sort of ok because they could go home after school and eat at home. I also think that seeing someone hitting someone is the worst thing to do because it is bad to do nothing about it and you can do something but you choose not to.


  9. Kia ora Teachers,
    I think the worst one is hitting someone, the 2nd baddest one would be calling someone a bad name,the 3rd daddest one would be stealing someone's lunch and the okayest one would be seeing someone,hitting someone and doing nothing.I think calling someone a bad name would hurt their feelings,hitting someone would hurt and then they could tell the teacher because he has just hit someone,stealing someone's lunch isn't that bad because they could just ask a teacher if they can get food from the office.

  10. Kia ora teachers.

    I think that seeing someone hitting someone and doing nothing is the worst because you could easily tell a teacher to help.I think the second worst thing to do is hitting someone because there is no reason to do it.I think the third worst thing to do is call another person a name because it's gonna heart there feelings.I think the fourth worst thing to do is to steel somebody's lunch because you can last without food for a couple days.

  11. Hi Miss Taylor.
    I think the naughtiest thing is stealing someone's lunch because they will have no lunch and they will starve to death. I think the second naughtiest thing is calling someone a bad name because they will be so sad and crying their head off. The third naughtiest is seeing someone hitting someone and doing nothing about it because it will make them so sad they would fall down. The least naughtiest is hitting someone because you can just say sorry.
    From India.

  12. Hi class.

    I think that the worst thing is seeing someone hitting someone and doing nothing 🙅. This is because if someone hits someone and you do nothing you could have saved the person that got hit but you didn't. (They could have got seriously injured).

    I think that the best thing is calling another pupil a bad name 😐. This is because you are just hurting the persons feelings.

  13. Kia ora class!
    I think that this weeks sticky question is very interesting. I think that the least naughty thing is calling someone a bad name then hitting someone seeing someone hitting someone and doing nothing and last of all stealing someone's lunch. I put calling someone a bad name before hitting someone because hitting someone will leave a mark, where as with calling someone a bad name they can just say sorry.
    Kind regards,

  14. Hi Mrs Taylor.
    I think that seeing someone hitting someone and doing nothing about it is the most naughty. I think the second naughtiest thing is hitting someone because you could leave a scar or a bruise I think stealing someone's lunch is ok because they can just get some food at home. Calling someone else a bad name is ok too because you could just forget about it.
    from Lilly

  15. ki ora teachers
    I think that the most naughty is hitting someone because they can get hurt and it will last longer than the others. I think that the one when you stealing someone's lunch because you will be hungry and you will have to starve.Then calling someone a bad name is not good but not the baddest the it does not stay for long. I think that the one when seeing someone hitting somebody and doing nothing. I think it is that one is the least naughty because you are not involved and not doing anything.
    From Jhyral

  16. Hi Ms Lange
    I think seeing someone get hit by someone and doing nothing is the worst because they could get brain damage and the second worst is hitting someone😭.

  17. Kia Ora teachers🤗,

    I am having a lovely day how about you. Firstly I think that Hitting someone is the most bad because it could cause an injury, and also it could start fight, after fight and just keep spreading🙅. Secondly as the second baddest thing is stealing someone's lunch because they could be starving by the end of the day🙅. Thirdly as the third baddest is calling another pupil a bad name because that is easy to tell on the person who did it. The last and fourth one is seeing someone hitting someone, and doing nothing because it is actually not very
    bad comerd to all of the others🙅.


  18. Hi class
    I think hitting someone is bad because someone could get hurt and also more people might join in to defend their friend then seeing someone hitting someone and not doing anything is not to bad because you are not doing damage.So
    1.👎 hitting someone
    2.😟stealing someones lunch
    3.🙂calling another pupil a bad name
    4.👍seeing someone hitting someone and not doing anything

  19. Kia ora Teachers,
    4th Naughtiest: Stealing someone's lunch-Because it is just stealing their lunch.
    Calling another pupil a bad name-Because it doesn't hurt them it just hurts their feelings.
    Hitting someone-Because if they try to hurt you they might start trying to kill you.
    Least naughtiest: Seeing someone hitting someone,and doing nothing-Because if you see someone hitting someone and does nothing it will get worse.

  20. Kia ora Teachers The least naughty is stealing someone's lunch because they can share with someone else is. The next naughty is hitting someone because it is not going to hurt them for ever. The 3rd worst thing is seeing someone hit someone and doing nothing because it is not your problem. The worst thing is to call someone a mean name because they will think you are a bad person for your whole life.
    from Piper.

  21. Kia ora Teachers
    I think stealing someone's lunch is the least naughtiest thing to do because you might steel just some not all of their lunch.

    Seeing someone hitting someone and doing nothing is the second naughtiest because you won't get hurt.

    The second worst is calling a person a name but it would hurt your feelings for a while though.

    Hitting someone is the worst thing to do because the might punch you in the eye and that would last for a long time.

    from Phoenix

  22. Kia ora Teachers The least naughty is stealing someone's lunch because they can just ask someone else for something for something in theie lunch. The second naughiest thing is hitting someone because it won't mean much to them like it won't make them feel like they can't do it anymore. The 3rd one is seeing someone hitting someone and doing nothing because if you stop them it will help because if the teacher asked who hitted someone and they said no but if you see it you can tell the teacher. The most naughty is calling someone a bad name because it will make them not believe in them self and they will remember it and they will be sad for a long time.
    Emily F

  23. Hi Mrs Taylor, I think hitting someone is the worst because it hurts them and there feelings. the one before the worst is calling another person a bad name because it will hurt there feelings and make them sad. Then it is stealing someones lunch because it will make other people really hungry because they had nothing to eat. Then the worst is seeing someone hitting someone and doing nothing its because nothing happens to you but either way the same thing will happen to the other two.
    From Sam

  24. Kia ora teachers

    I think that the least naughtiest is calling another pupil a bad name because it is not hurting someone. The second least naughtiest is stealing someone's lunch because they might get hangry.The naughtiest is hitting someone because they can get badly hurt.The naughtiest is seeing someone hitting someone and doing nothing.

  25. Hi Mrs taylor,
    I think that seeing some hitting some one is the meanest thing because your doing nothing about someone being mean and I think stealing someone lunch is the lest baddest of the lot because they wont starve to death and its only 3 ours until you can eat some thing probably.

  26. Kia ora Mr Brown, Mrs Lange.
    I think the least naughty picture is calling another pupil a bad name because it will hurt their feelings but not their body.I think the second least naughty is stealing someone's lunch because you could tell a adult and get it back. The third least naughty is hitting some because it hurts them. The most naughty is seeing someone hitting someone and not doing any thing about it because you could stop it at any time.

  27. To Mister Brown
    I think the order of the pictures goes in this order: seeing someone hitting and doing nothing at the time it happened (because you could stop it at any time), after that hitting someone in the face (because they could go to Hospital) then calling another person a bad name (because you could hurt there feelings)then it goes to stealing someones lunch (because they have no lunch to eat).
    From Joshua.

  28. Hello Class
    I think the most worst thing to do to someone is... stealing their lunch because their parents brought their food with their own money and they will get really really hungry. The Least rude and mean thing to do is seeing someone and doing nothing because you are not getting hit and then you will feel bad for them once they got hit.
    - Bella From Yaldhurst Model School.

  29. Kia ora
    Calling another pupil a bad name is the worst, because it could make someone sad.
    Stealing someone's lunch is the least naughtiest because they will get hungry.

  30. Kia ora teachers
    1.I think the worst is seeing someone hitting someone and doing nothing because you can stop the person hitting him.
    2.Calling another pupil a bad name because it is bad because their feelings will be hurt .
    3.Hitting someone because you they could hit them in the eye and they will have a black mark
    on their eye.
    4.Stealing someones lunch is not very bad because they might of not stolen all of their food.

  31. Hi Mrs Taylor
    So let's start with the least naughty: it is calling people bad names because it is only hurts their feeling. The second naughtiest is stealing someone's lunch because you could wait till it's afternoon tea.the third naughtier is see someone getting hurt and you are doing nothing because that person is doing nothing because it's going to tell on those two people who were hitting each other. The most naughty is hitting someone because it no one's around and see if they can't tell them.
