Monday 9 November 2020

Sticky Question (Week 5 - Term 4)

 Last week was tricky and we noticed how deeply you were thinking about life if someone was never afraid. You all provided some great reflections around this, well done!

This week you need to really read the question carefully in order to understand it.

So what are the strongest reasons based on?


  1. Hi Class
    I think belifs is the strongst becuase if someone broke into your house and used facts to persayed you why they are brecking and entry they might say they are poor but relly they might not be, But by useing belfies they might say they think it is right to breck into a house and that is somethin differant.

    What do you think?
    From Angel-Mey

  2. Hi Mrs Tayla and Mrs Dods I think feeling because if you are more interested in facts then you won't now what your family needs more then facts.
    From Lilly

  3. Kia Ora Mrs Dods and Mrs Taylor
    I think that the strongest reason is beliefs and facts because if you believe in something you would know what you are doing and if something is going to hurt you you would know how to defend your self. From Stella

  4. Kia Ora teachers.
    I think the strongest reasons are beliefs and facts,
    Because if you believe in something you would need facts to know what you are doing and if it is going to definitely going to kill you or not .
    You would know more about this thing to know what to do with it.
    From Paige.

  5. Hi it is devon hear and i thank beliefs because you can't believe and your friends and yourself to do something.
    From Devon.

  6. Hi class my thoughts are If you were starting school and someone bullies you you will have feelings and the other person will to. The person who is bullying you will think you are losing your mind. The other person will be sad but just don't put up your hopes.
    From Ruby at Te Mahuri.

  7. Hi Class
    I think that the strongest one is Fellings & Facts beucase people could give Facts and Feelings at the same time. Say if somebody broke into your house and they stole your TV and then they needed it but then could be lying!
    From Zoe

  8. Hey Class I think it's beliefs because if you want to do something but your too scared you can believe in yourself. I think if you want to jump off something that is 14 meters tall you can believe in yourself so that's'
    what I think from Brayden.

  9. Hi I think, that feelings and beliefs are the strongest, because if you believe in something and you tell others it might make you happy.But like some people said that facts when you get attacked because, you freeze but if you put your fear and believe, then you will be strong and you could climb a tree, or get away and I think that if someone broke into your house, and you hurt him first but if he hearts you first then you should have a right to fight back from Bridie.

  10. Hi Mrs Taylor & Mrs Dods I think facts is the best because if you're fighting in animal that's trying to kill you then you would know it's weak spots and you will kill it first and it will be really really good. Do you think it will be good?
    From Connor

  11. Hello teachers I think that facts are the strongest because if you went to court for something that you did wrong or they think you did something wrong then you can back yourself up with facts .

  12. Hi Mrs Taylor & Mrs Dods. I think the question very interesting and grabs my attention easily and I think it is facts. I think this because for example you go hunting and you see a bear and you want to fight the bear and eat the meat that you got from the bear you have to find facts it before and see if its dangerous and if it's possible to defeat a bear. I think feelings too because I once went to the Wycola park and I see a boy that is training on the monkey bars he slips and he starts crying, I come over to him and say are you OK and before you should learn facts about how to calm people down when crying.

  13. I think it is belifs because if you believe that you can do something that you want to do you cold do it. you just need to fink about it before you do it and then when you get the idea of it you can just do it.

  14. Hi am Kane facts because when you are in a fight you no when they are going punch so you Dodge the punch and not get hit in the face thats why i chose facts. bye

  15. Hello class!
    This is an interesting question.
    I think feeling is the best thing to act on because if you feel scared you will have adrenaline, and adrenaline can help you fight flight fright or freeze.
    what are your ideas?
    See ya later!

  16. Hi class, my thoughts are that if you were to go into someone's house, and take something and they were going out with somebody and then the person that went in the house took something and the other people came back and realised they could not find something they would be sad and worried so I think that It would be feelings.

  17. Hi TM. I am Dylan B from Yaldhurst Model School. I think that facts because you would be really smart and you would know heaps about things so you wouldn't be scared against a lion From Dylan B at Yaldhurst Model School.

  18. Hi class.
    I think feeling to being happy i will because be mad because i break in the house because i will not break in the house because being no break in the house because be nice to people because can nice people because if you will break in because you will be tapped in house is break you be in jail because in to fine day in jail. from Hendrik.

  19. Hi Class
    I think that feelings because the most important thing n is to show kindness to others,
    because lots of people don't even want to show kindness to anyone they need to see all of the other people because some people don't show kindness. So that is why i think feeling. I loved this sticky question?

  20. Hi Class!
    My thoughts are that if someone broke into my house and I was having a sleepover with my BFFs.My friends were in my room using make-up and I was getting some fruit were the robber was I would say please don't steal anything I will help you and get you stuff just don't seal anything, and the robber says OK I know your friends are here so can I say hi? I say yes and now he wont harm anyone. He said it was because of his feelings and that is also what I think. so the most powerful reason is feelings because you can cause bad actions because of them. I need facts to convince me but feeling is what I think.

  21. Hi Mrs Taylor and Ms Dods! I really like this Sticky Question!

    I think feelings is the most important thing because if someone is upset then maybe you could show some kindness to them so that maybe they could make other people's feelings better instead of them bullying others and making them upset. Feelings can also be the strongest one out of all because feeling is the one to make sure we know how other people feel.

    Why did you make such and interesting Sticky Question? Please reply back to me! Bye!

    - Nishka

  22. mrs dods and mrs talyer.
    i think that if be stronger you cold do better i idea's and do a lot and fell of a bridge .

  23. Kia ora Class,How are you going today? I think it is all about Feelings because if you are really happy then you going to be kind to others but if you are angry then you would be unkind and start to push people over.
    What do you think?


  24. Hi class. Zara here,I think beliefs because if you beleven unicorns and someone say they are for babies it will hurt you feelings. So it probably will be feelings and beliefs. Bye from Zara

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Hi class. Levi here. i think fellings becuase if you care about someone you could think felin

  27. Hello ms Dods great question I think that fact because if you had feelings and you are against a bear feeling may or may not make you not move if you have fact you can know what to do belef is not good because if you trust in the god to save you you will just die from the bear so fact is the best.

  28. Hi it is Sam, I think fact because if someone broke into my house and asked to get the television because they are poor and if they asked for the computer to get access to health care you should get them to prove it.
    From Sam

  29. Hi Mis Does and Mis Tala, i say facts because if a predator was coming for you and you new what it weak spots where then you know what to do.

    by Rayan
