For the past two weeks, we have been learning about personal recounts. Firstly we read and analysed them. During this time we spent time pulling apart a variety of 1st person recounts in order to work out what the features were. We spent some time looking at the idea of past tense and those irregular past tense verbs. We also looked at different time connectives as we want to be using a variety of these in our own recounts and not just 'then.'
Our next step was to work together to write a recount. Together we came up with the idea of a 'magical' trip to Orana 'Super' Zoo and in small groups of 3 or 4, we planned our parts. We then wrote the paragraph we were responsible for and illustrated it. In the editing phase, we read each others paragraph and analysed it against the success criteria. From this we were able to give the different groups an improvement point.
Finally we put all the parts together and here is the finished product.